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Lancaster County - Mounted Coroners - A first for South Carolina!

Jennifer Collins

Jan 16, 2025

Mounted Response Unit & Save-the-Date for State House Visit 2/5/2025

On Friday, January 17, 2025, the Lancaster County Coroner's Office will proudly introduce a new division of our team.  We will be unveiling the first coroner-office-based Mounted Response Unit in South Carolina and in the United States. Our new unit will be for search, recovery, and rescue.  While this unit is based out of the Coroner's Office, every partner we collaborate with will have access, along with outside agencies who request our assistance.

Our horses are able to cover terrain inaccessible by human foot traffic or UTV and the riders are under the direction of Forensic Criminologist, Dr. Laura Pettler.  The team is composed of Draft Horses, crossbred Draft Horses, Gypsy Vanners Horses, Friesian Horses, Quarter Horses, Mustangs, and other breeds.  These horses will not only train to navigate the impenetrable terrain but are able to transport team members and heavy equipment and supplies to remote areas and likewise will be able to transport any live rescues out of remote areas.

Our new unit has been in development since February 2024, and it has truly been an honor to work on this project that will serve everyone.  I hope this brings an incredible resource to Lancaster County and any agency across the state who call upon us. We are proud to bring such an opportunity to Lancaster County.

Lancaster County Coroner's Office Mounted Response Unit Swearing-In Ceremony:

Event Details:

Grounds of The American Legion Post 31

823 South Main Street

Lancaster, SC  29720


The unit is made up of both mounted and ground-based sworn and civilian volunteers with decades of experience in death investigation. The unit is under the command of homicide expert, forensic criminologist Commander Dr. Laura Pettler.  Todd Ellis is named Equine Management Director.  Additionally, renowned Georgia-based crime scene investigator Sheryl “Mac” McCollum, (founder of the Cold Case Investigative Research Institute and its Wildlife CSI Academy) will serve as the MRU’s Assistant Commander focused on ground command.

Alexis Pettler will serve as the MRU’s Logistics Director along with Rob Evosovich as Logistics Assistant.  Paramedics Josh Faulkenberry and Terri Faulkenberry are the Unit medics. Together under Coroner Deese, the Lancaster County Coroner’s Office Mounted Response Unit will soon stand ready to deploy at her request.

Karla Knight Deese: "This is an outstanding team of dedicated professionals, committed to excellence and effectiveness.  This unit will be an incredible asset to all agencies and citizens."

Dr. Laura Pettler:  “For me, the MRU is the culmination of both my passions rolled into one: horses and helping people, and as its Commander, it is my duty and one of the greatest honors of my life to serve the People of Lancaster County with Coroner Deese and fellow MRU personnel.” Pettler said. Pettler is the CEO of Laura Pettler & Associates Death Investigations (LPA), one of the leading death investigations firms in the world. Along with LPA, with Todd Ellis, Pettler co-owns Monroe, North Carolina based business, CR Equine & Kennel (CREK), a farm dedicated to agritourism, educational events, breeding, training, and sales of crossbred draft horses and AKC Russell Terriers for hunting and companionship.

Todd Ellis:  "As CREK’s Operations Manager, it’s my job to make sure the horses are well cared for, and our grounds and structures are well maintained. I look forward to bringing those skills to the MRU to help others. I am honored to serve.”

Sheryl "Mac" McCollum: "It was an honor to serve as Director for the Crisis Response Team for the Atlanta Olympic Games Bombing, the 9-11 Crisis Response Team at the Pentagon, and now the citizens of Lancaster County as part of Coroner Deese’s MRU.”

Alexis Pettler:  “I am honored to work with this incredible team under the leadership of Coroner Deese. My focus and passion has always been helping the community and those around me and this position gives me the opportunity to utilize both my death investigation and horsemanship skills.”

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